ITB Subsea’s Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) equipment and their experienced pilots have a wide range of experience with the following:
ROV Inspections
Equipment Deployment
Scientific Research Projects
Recovery Projects
We focus on three primary areas: shallow water up to 300 metres; midwater up to 1,000 metres. We have the ability to upgrade 1,400 metres if required.
With worldwide experience with challenging waters and terrains, ITB Subsea’s ROV pilots are highly trained to handle the challenges of difficult working conditions. They are renowned for their operational capabilities, experience, telemetry systems and knowledge of a variety of software-related programs. Their capabilities also include analysis and repair of ROV's, thus reducing and/or avoiding equipment downtime. With small working windows, the experience of the pilot is paramount as they need to rapidly deploy equipment and perform work efficiently.
Assist with Five Fingers outfall install during deployment, including removal of pulling cap, removing diffuser caps, drilling through air lock valves, guiding dog house weights into position and removal of rigging
BC Hydro dam maintenance including but not limited to trash rack cleaning, intake cleaning, 3D sonar deployment, plug installation and removal, minor crack repair
Inspection and survey of natural gas pipelines in the Okanagan lakes in British Columbia
Provided ROV services during the removal of high voltage submarine cables from the Mainland of Vancouver to Salt Spring Island, BC.
Inspection of 270 kilometers of high voltage submarine cables in the Georgia Strait, BC
Inspections of gas pipelines from Vancouver mainland to Vancouver Island utilizing work-class ROV Oceanic Explorer
Installed span correctors using ROV in water depths of up to 425 metres

ROV services for fibre optic cable link installation from Vancouver mainland to Vancouver Island in the Georgia Strait
Cable survey and scientific tasks under the direction of a Chief Scientist of NOAA in water depths of 350 metres
Working from the cable ship “Giulio Verne” to monitor touchdown of D.C. power cable in water depths of 200 metres
Video inspection and cathodic potential readings of 96 km of submarine gas pipeline, to depths of 425 meters
Supplied ROV services in the investigation and removal of oil from the shipwreck “Tenyo Maru”, a 430 ft. fish processing vessel in the Straits of Juan de Fuca in a water depth of 550 metres
Contract with Cuban Hydrographic Institute to supply expertise, technology, personnel, equipment, and a vessel to locate ship-wrecks from the 16th, 17th and 18th century in Cuban territorial waters. Over the term of the project, 26 shipwrecks were found.
On-going work on the University of Victoria’s ocean network, monitoring and inspecting scientific equipment at depths of 900 metres.
Click here to be taken ITB Subsea's Project History page
Oceanic Explorer – 25 HP, Work Class Electro-Hydraulic Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)
Falcon SeaEye – Compact, lightweight and versatile ROV
1000M Work Class 25 HP Hysub
For more information about ITB Subsea equipment, visit Equipment or contact us with any questions:​