ITB Subsea has completed over 400 submarine cable projects since 1965 and countless marine construction projects. We are one of the major commercial diving contractors, and the premier submarine cable layer, in western Canada.
The following list highlight some of our major projects. If you would like more information about our cable lay and repair job history, please contact us.
Cable Lay/Retrieval/Repairs
BC Hydro, Burnaby, BC
Long term contract to provide cable services for a Crown Corporation. Our cable work has included numerous operations for cable laying, splicing, repairing and recovering cables on the West Coast of British Columbia.
ORCA Power & Light Co-Operative
Spieden Island subsea power cable replacement
Canadian Navy
Sonar arrays and various research platforms requiring subsea cables
Ocean Networks Canada
Cables connecting the subsea research nodes
West Park Electric Ltd.
Independent power project in remote inshore locations
Click here for video of Big Silver Cable Lay Project
Marine Construction and Diving
Roberts Bank Super Port – Tsawwassen, BC
Removal of forty 36” diameter concrete piles by blasting and cutting, to a water depth of 100 meters; duration – 4 months.
Dillingham Construction (now Vancouver Pile Driving Ltd.) – North Vancouver, BC
Prime diving contractor for Iona Island sewage outfall extension in Richmond, BC; twin 90” diameter to 370 f.s.w.; duration – 6 months.
Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd. – New Westminster, BC
Removal of piles by underwater burning, and, installation of corrosion mattresses along face of grain terminal in Churchill, Manitoba; under adverse weather conditions; duration – 2 seasons.
Greater Vancouver Regional District and Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd. – New Westminster, BC
Removal of damaged sections of water main located in the Fraser River, from Vancouver mainland to Surrey, and; installation of new sections of 60” diameter pipe – duration 1 month.
City of Vernon – Vernon, BC
Prime diving contractor for sewage outfall – 30” diameter in 200’ water depth; duration – 1 month.
Yukon Energy Corporation – Whitehorse, YT
Annual contract for various underwater repairs and maintenance to the utility operations of Yukon Energy Corporation – ongoing contract for 5 years.
Flatrion/Dragados Joint Venture – Mission, BC
Prime diving contractor for upgrade and repairs to Ruskin Dam; duration – 3 years.
ROV Projects
Terasen Gas Inc. / Fortis – Lakes Okanagan and Skaha, BC
Supplied ROV services to inspect the survey natural gas pipelines in each lake; duration 2 weeks.
British Columbia Transmission Corporation – Georgia Strait, BC
Supplied ROV services to inspect 270 kilometers of high voltage submarine cables in the Georgia Strait, BC.; duration – 2 weeks
Pacific Coast Energy Corporation; then Centra Gas and Currently Terasen Gas – Nanaimo, BC
Three separate ROV inspections of gas pipelines from Vancouver mainland to Vancouver Island utilizing Hysub ROB, Viper ROV and ROPOS ROV, respectively; and, installed span correctors using ROV in water depths of up to 425 meters.; duration – 2 weeks.
A.T. & T. Submarine Systems – Morristown, New Jersey, USA
Supplied diving and ROV Services for fibre optic cable link from Vancouver mainland to Vancouver Island in the Strait of Georgia for BC Telephone/Teleglobe Canada; work experience included A.T. & T.’s “Seabed” Tractor, a remote-controlled cable burial machine; duration – 2 months.
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – Seattle, Washington, USA
Cable survey and scientific tasks under the direction of Ms M.S, Brancato, Chief Scientists; NOAA in water depths of 350 meters; duration 5 years.
Terasen Gas – Nanaimo, BC
Video inspection and cathodic potential readings of 96 km of submarine gas pipeline, to depths of 425 meters; duration – 4 days.
University of Victoria, Ocean Networks Canada
ITB Subsea Ltd. provides management, ROV and vessel services for the repairs and maintenance of underwater scientific observatories and assists with scientific tasks; duration - 2011 to present.
P. & I. Club – London, England
Reflotation and salvage of a 14,000 ton cruise ship “Pegasus” in Venice Italy; which required securing all water tight bulkheads and replacing over 220 fire doors within the vessel. Refloatation included the utilization of a 250’ barge, which was ballasted down and secured to the port side of the vessel. Through combining the methods of both pumping and deballasting; the vessel was refloated; duration – 3 months.
Canadian Coast Guard – West Vancouver, BC
Supplied submersible and ROB services for purposes of investigation and removing oil from the shipwreck “Tenyo Maru”, a 430 ft. fish processing vessel, in the Straits of Juan de Fuca in water depth of 550 ft. The oil was removed for environmental purpose of protecting the shoreline of the Olympic Marine Sanctuary from oil spill pollution; duration – 2 months.
Clean Current Power Systems – Race Rocks, Vancouver Island, BC
Provided management and diving services for the installation of an underwater tidal turbine in a Marine Sanctuary near Vancouver Island, BC; duration – 5 months.
OceanWorks International – North Vancouver, BC
ITB Subsea Ltd. provided management and diving services for sea trials for a newly engineered Pressurized Rescue Module System that was designed to transfer personnel for disabled submarines to the surface in water depths up to 2,000 feet. Services included the management of all aspects of the sea trials; duration – 5 ½ months.