ITB Subsea is a leading diving company focused on safety standards. We provide expertise and equipment for most subsea applications.
Deep-water Diving
Underwater Welding
Subsea Completions
With the acquisition of Canpac Divers Inc. in 2011, ITB Subsea has the benefit of their longstanding reputation and expertise as a premier diving company and a leader in safety, deep-water diving, and underwater welding. All diving staff are graduates of IMCA approved commercial diving colleges and have had years of experience in the diving industry.
Mixed gas diving
Acoustic tracking
Non-Destructive testing
Underwater closed-circuit television
Hydrographic survey
Hyperbaric welding/wet welding
Concrete reconstruction and grouting
Concrete crack injection
HDPE Outfall construction and installation
Drilling, blasting, jetting and dredging
Wood, steel and concrete pile restoration & pile driving
Pipeline trenching & installation
Search and recovery
Pollution control and cleanup
Magnetometer surveys
Clamshell & hydraulic dredging
Steel Erection
Non-destructive testing corrosion
Installation of fiber optic cables
Pipeline & cable inspections

​​Multi-year dam rehabilitation project consisting of installing new intake gates, sill plate replacement, and installation of watertight bulkheads
Multi-year project for the removal of pilings and installation of corrosion matrasses. 36” diam concrete piles at depths up to 100 metres
Removal of damaged sections of water main and installation of new sections of 60” diameter pipe
Diving services for fibre optic cable link from Vancouver mainland to Vancouver Island
Sewage outfall – 30” diameter in 200’ water, twin 90” diameter
Annual diving services contract for various government agencies
Reflotation and salvage of a 14,000-ton cruise ship “Pegasus” in Venice Italy
Provision of expertise, technology, and personnel for purposes of locating shipwrecks in Cuban territorial waters.
Management and diving services for the installation of an underwater tidal turbine near Vancouver Island, BC.
Project management and diving services for sea trials for a newly engineered pressurized rescue module system designed to transfer personnel from disabled submarines to the surface in water depths of up to 2,000 feet
Click here to be taken ITB Subsea's Project History page
33' Dive Boat
28' Dive Boat
Nitrox Compressor
Dive Re-compression Chamber
LARS (Launch and Recovery System)
Mixed Gas Rack
Hydraulic Power Units
Hydraulic Tools (saws, drills, grinders, etc)
Salvage bags
HD video systems
3D sonar capabilities
Burning and welding equipment
For more information about ITB Subsea equipment, visit Equipment or contact us with any questions: